You are here: Using view pages > Searching for references

Searching for references

Besides searching for documents as described elsewhere in this chapter, you can also search for other items in the repository that are linked to those documents. This can help you find other information that may be valuable to use with the documents. You may search for linked reference documents (described in this topic) and for linked object tags (described in Searching for related tags).

Reference documents can be:

To search for references:

  1. In the results list of a documents view, select the documents for which you want to find their references.
  2. Right-click over the selection and click References in the shortcut menu that appears.


    In the Search ribbon, click References.

    The REFERENCED DOCUMENTS dialog box appears.

  3. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Reference search options
Option Description

Find references for

Select whether to search for references linked only to the selected documents or to all documents in the view.

Reference type

Select a reference type from the list that links the selected documents to the documents that you want to find.


Select whether to search for documents linked to the selected documents or from the selected documents.

  1. Click OPEN. A new window opens with the results of the search. You may then refine the search like any other search.

Related tasks

Adding and deleting links to tags

Searching for related tags